Innovative. Reliable. Safe.
Electrical Contractors
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Project Case Study
Pedestrian Bridge

"Commercial Project Specialists"
Commercial Electrical Services
SCG Electrical Group recognises the infinite requirements and details associated with commercial projects in all building types.
CommercialIndustrial Electrical Services
Our experience in industrial installations and maintenance will keep your plant and equipment powered efficiently.
Industrial"Smart Industrial Solutions"
"We understand the importance
of 100% Up-Time"
Data Centre Electrical Services
SCG have over 20 years experience working within live data centres. We understand the importance of maintaining critical services to TIER III & IV data storage facilities.
Data CentresHealthcare Electrical Services
SCG Electrical Group is proficient in the stringent requirements mandatory for the compliance of installations within patient areas.
Healthcare"We Know Medical Standards"
"Residential Project Specialists"
Residential Developments
We collaborate with owners, developers & architects to deliver highly customised, turnkey technologies for residential properties & developments.
ResidentialElectric Vehicle Charging Installations
Turnkey electric car charging infrastrucrture to help you or your business transition to a low cost, zero emissions transport future.
Electric Vehicle Charging"Charging You Into The Future"
"Join The Clean Energy Revolution"
Through specialised industry training and efficient system integrations we can assist your business to reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint.
RenewablesContact Us
How Can We Help?
We look forward to providing you with a quality, reliable and safe electrical service. Please send a brief message detailing your requirements.
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Email Address
SCG Electrical Group are Melbourne based electrical contractors. We specialise in commercial, industrial and high-end residential works.
SCG Headquarters
15 / 120 Talinga Rd,
Cheltenham, VIC 3192